Michael Watkins is an Investment Advisor Representative who specializes in retirement distribution. As an Investment Advisor Representative with Redwood Private Wealth, Michael focuses on low risk, low volatility, high predictability, and liquidity.
The emphasis in Michael’s financial planning practice is on making sure that clients and business owners do not make mistakes in the areas of taxation, investments, risk tolerance or asset protection that could affect their financial safety and security.
Providing the highest growth and income consistent with safety
Creating a defensive portfolio to protect assets from loss due to market fluctuation.
Avoiding rollover and distribution mistakes with IRA/401(k)/403(b)
Teaching clients how to minimize taxation and maximize liquidity.
Making sure you do not accidentally disinherit children or grandchildren.
Teaching the 7 ways to hedge the long-term care threat to your assets.
Michael believes in listening carefully to your needs and goals. He will evaluate your current position and work with you to develop a strategy that achieves your specific goals.
Michael is married to Annie, and they have three grown daughters and seven grandchildren. Michael enjoys leisure time with family, outdoor activities, and travel.