I Can’t Wait To Guide You Through Your IFW Retirement Score!
I Can’t Wait To Guide You Through Your IFW Retirement Score!

Terry DuPont is founder and CEO of DuPont Advisory Group, a Registered Investment Advisor and Legal Fiduciary firm. He feels it is his moral and professional responsibility to provide leadership and guidance in helping people cut through all the misleading, conflicting information and confusion that’s out there… so they can make wise decisions leading to a life of success, meaning & significance… with an emphasis on wealth preservation and protective growth. Terry says, “At the end of the day, I don’t care what you do… I do care that you have all the best available & appropriate choices to design, control and achieve your own bright & sunny future.”
He works differently than most advisors in that he’s been around long enough to realize that finances don’t exist in a vacuum… and are directly affected by health and relationships. Terry says, “It’s never really all about the money… it’s more about “What Money Means”. He feels it is imperative that his clients are put in a position of assurance that all their financial and personal needs are met with a family touch, and with the highest probability of success… based on principles of common sense, a balanced approach, facts, math and science, not opinions.
Mr. DuPont has attained “Top of the Table” status in the prestigious international Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). Only 6% of the world’s professional financial advisors qualify for MDRT each year. Of the 39,000 MDRT members from over 82 countries, approximately only 500 qualify annually for “Top of the Table” status. This places Mr. DuPont among the top 1/10 th of 1% of all professional financial advisors in the world. Mr. DuPont is a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors and the Elite Resource Team, as well as a Lead Advisor for the CPA Plus Network and Managing Director of the Advisor Plus Network, where he is one of only a few Advisors in the country that mentors and provides leadership to other Advisors and CPAs across the nation. He consistently fields calls from both camps for counsel & support with their practices, Financial Management Oversight, Tax Mitigation, Wealth Preservation and Tax- Free Income Strategies, just to name a few. Terry has a passion for helping others succeed.
Terry is a Chartered Retirement Plans Specialist, Certified Wealth Preservation Planner and Certified Philanthropic Developer. He is a much sought-after speaker, author, founder of Blue Ocean Consulting, an advanced strategic planning firm, and DreamCatchers Initiative, a non-profit personal & business leadership & development curriculum, utilizing new world cultural teachings and breakthrough thinking.